IT Sector
We actively participate in the IT and Software industry by providing consultancy services for both R&D and Innovation projects and consistently contributing human resources to the sector through our Recruitment Department.
In our recruitment and talent management consultancy processes, we keep our services up-to-date by utilizing various techniques based on artificial intelligence technology and the Smartmatch™ methodology, allowing us to continue our work in line with the needs of our clients.
Moreover, in addition to having successfully completed over 80 project consultancies in this sector, our Platinum Partnership with SAP, a leader in the ERP field, leads us to believe that, as Hello World, our knowledge in the IT, Software, and Technology Industry is continuously escalating.
In the technology field, another automation technology is Robotic Process Automation (RPA), such as AI and Machine Learning. RPA involves using software to automate business processes like interpreting applications, processing transactions, handling data, and even responding to emails.
We have been closely examining the concept of cybersecurity in the professional business world for an extended period, and it periodically emerges as a topic in various fields. The primary reason for cybersecurity consistently occupying a prominent position is the rapid and unpredictable evolution in technology. Like any technological process, cybersecurity adapts to new developments and continues to be part of companies' procedures. Malicious hackers, attempting to illegally access data through different approaches, do not seem to give up anytime soon, persistently finding ways to overcome even the most challenging security measures. As cybercriminals continue their activities in their domain, cybersecurity will remain a trending technology for every company and group. According to our research, by 2025, 55% of organizations will consider cybersecurity risk in conducting third-party transactions and business relationships as the primary determinant.